Zhuji City Zhenge Knitting Co., Ltd. Founded in 2012 Our company is located in the West Industrial Park of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province. The company has 80employees and covers an area of 5500 squaremeters. lts product positioning includes high-end andfashionable adult calf-length socks, over-knee socks.mid-calf socks, wool socks, professional sports socksbusiness socks, etc. lt aims to meet the daily sockwear needs of young consumers and create fashio-nable and comfortable socks. With the careful selecti.on of raw materials, innovative design and development, management of production processes, andstandardization of logistics and warehousing, thecompany provides young people with high-quality products and excellent wearing experience.The company has a complete four-part structure: de-velopment, production, sales, and customer serviceThe product development team is strong with socksoftware makers, knitting needle setters, sock machi-ne sampling, and other comprehensive processes